A country mode of transport and the History of the Khmer Rouge regime
The next day was a difficult day for many of the visitors as we knew we were in for a sobering time to see the "killing fields" of the terrible internal war that was the Cambodian tragedy of the Khmer Rouge regime.... but before we saw that, we were in for a treat with a convoyed trip by Brahmin cow powered cart rides along a dirt road....! The Cambodian country folk are used to making transportation out of almost any opportune moment. As tourists, we were presented with a rather unusual form of transport - being transported on a thinly veiled cushioned cart being propelled by two Brahmin cows and a cart master. We were loaded two at a time on to a cart, ladies first then the man. Once assembled the convoy of 16 or so carts started to to traverse the route, with the cart master making various cow-like noises in an attempt to relay the route in cow-talk. I'm not sure who was having more fun.... the tourists on the carts or the locals laughing at how stupid ...